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Editor's note: Carving a pumpkin may SOUND like fun, but we're here to tell you that it's actually kind of a pain. It's slimy. It's messy. You have to separate the seeds from all the slimy, messy pulp and then you should roast the seeds because that's half the point of pumpkin-carving, right? And if you happen to be an expert carver and you actually transform your pumpkin into a cool jack-o-lantern, well, good for you. But in about three weeks the whole thing is going to collapse into a black, moldy ball of slime and that's the end of Mr. Jack-o-Lantern. So why not get a lovely pumpkin wallpaper instead? Put it on your desktop, enjoy looking at it and pat yourself on the back for all the mess you now don't have to clean up. Happy Halloween!